
PIC16F676 Digital Voltmeter Schematic Circuit Diagram

PIC16F676 Digital Volt Meter Schematic Circuit Diagram Using Seven Segment Display With Programming Code Code And PCB Layout
PIC16F676 is a widely used 14-pin PIC microcontroller IC for building various electronic projects. This article explains how to make a Digital Voltmeter using PIC16F676, PIC microcontroller IC, and a seven-segment display.

How do you build a Digital Voltmeter using PIC60F676 Microcontroller

Below is a schematic circuit diagram and a high-resolution PCB layout for making a simple digital volt meter using the PIC16F676 IC. If you do not want to make a printed circuit board with a PCB layout, You can use a good-quality dot Vero board to make a Digital Voltmeter with the PIC16F676 Microcontroller.
PIC16F676 Digital Volt Meter, PIC16F676 Digital Voltmeter Schematic Circuit Diagram,
PIC16F676 Digital  Voltmeter Schematic Circuit Diagram

Maximum 30 Volts DC can be measured with this PIC16F676 Digital Voltmeter. Also, a diode and a 100 microfarad 50-volt filter capacitor can be connected to the voltage input terminal to maximum 30-volt AC measurements. Note that, to display accurate voltage, VR1 of the circuit board must be adjusted.

A 9-volt DC supply is required to operate the PIC16F676 Digital Voltmeter. Also, DC 5 volts can be applied at the points indicated in the circuit diagram for working on the Digital Volt Meter.

Some technical information and support for making a Digital Voltmeter by PIC16F676 IC-

A KIA7805 voltage regulator IC is used in this circuit to supply power to the PIC16F676 PIC microcontroller. Pin 1 of the KA7805 IC is for 9V input, Pin 2 for ground, and 5 volts will be output from pin 3 for operating the circuit. Some field effect transistors are used inside the PIC16F676 IC to keep the power consumption low while providing the output voltage to the seven-segment LEDs, And the drain terminals of those FETs are connected internally to pin 1 of the PIC16F676 microcontroller. That's why PIN 1 of the microcontroller is named VDD or Voltage Drain Drain, and 5 Volts supply is provided at this VDD terminal in the circuit. Similarly, the source terminals of the FETs are connected internally to pin 14. That's why pin 14 is named VSS or Voltage Source Source. Voltage is input by R1 to pin 3 of PIC16F676 IC for voltage measurement, and a 5-volt zener diode is connected to that pin3 to ground so that no more than five volts of voltage is input to pin3.

The sequential switching voltage is output from pins 12, 13, and pin 11 for three bases of seven-segment LED driver transistors, and to flash three common anode seven-segment LEDs, three BC557 transistors are used in this PIC16F676 digital voltmeter circuit. A1, A2, and A3 are the anode terminals of the seven-segment LEDs, and DP is the dot point terminal.
Components List and Value Details of PIC16F676 Digital Voltmeter Circuit -
VR1= 10KΩ. R1= 47KΩ. R2, R3 R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R13 = 100Ω. R10, R11, R12 = 1KΩ 
TR1, TR2, TR3 = BC557.  C1, C2 = 0.1 microfarad (104). IC1= KIA7805. Microcontroller = PIC16F676.  ZD= 5V. Display - Common Anode 7 Segment LED Display x 3.
PIC16F676 Digital Volt Meter Circuit Board,
PIC16F676 Digital Voltmeter

Above is the picture of the PIC60F676 digital voltmeter circuit board to help you understand where to place the components, and the layout below shows where to connect the six jumpers on the bottom of the seven-segment LED display. Six jumpers should be installed in place of the red lines.
PCB Layout for PIC16F676 Digital Voltmeter,
PIC60F676 Digital Voltmeter PCB Layout

Download a high-resolution PCB layout and Open Source code from here to Make A PIC16F676 Digital Voltmeter.

For technical support on making the PIC16F676 digital voltmeter, please watch the video below-

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